Sunday, October 13, 2013

What do you like in your...?

Often we are focusing on what we don't like in our ... (you fill out the blanks). Me, being an eternal optimist I would rather focus on what I DO LIKE in my life, kids, significant other, parent, work, social life (the list is long).

So, for starters I invite you to tell me what you do like in your significant other (if you have one) or what traits are important to you to have in a significant other (if you are still looking for that special person).

Here is my list what I LOVE in my significant other:

1. His brilliant mind

2. His patience

3. His sense of humor

4. His spontaneity

5. His willingness to be a kid once in a while

6. His down-to-Earth nature

7. His smile

8. His sports analysis (ranging from baseball through soccer, hockey to basketball)

9. His integrity

10. His faith in me

This is by no means the entire list. Oh, I almost forgot his good looks doesn't hurt either :)

Let me know what you like/love in your significant other. You never know, by making a list, you may re-discover the very reasons why you tied your life to that person. Don't lose sight of it!!

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