Monday, April 29, 2013

Women; Ambassadors of Peace

How many times have you heard, if women would run governments, war and discord would be eliminated? Personally, I have heard it millions of times. Somewhere back in my mind , I knew it could be true. Aren't we, women, seeking solutions  rather than confrontation, by nature?  Aren't we natural peacekeepers? Don't we have the innate ability to bridge gaps?

The answer is yes, we are. I saw it, experienced it first hand on Sunday. Let me tell you about my little adventure that took place in a town called Milton, Ontario. I was invited to do a food and craft show in a small community center. I had no idea who the organizers were, I got the call from my friend Khadra, to let's go and set up shop. I responded to the call, and drove to Milton. It turned out, it was organized by South Asian women with the aim to promote home based businesses to enable other women become independent.

What Khadra did not tell me, that the vast majority of the participants would be Muslims, many of them devout. My dear friend would not even think about it, since our main goal was to introduce our products and sell them. So, here I was, the one and only Jewish woman, with the Star of David clearly visible on her necklace; promoting healthy, organic beverages. Oh yes, I was the odd one out, but not for long.

We worked in harmony,  made many contacts, met some amazing, strong women and  who we pray to, was never an issue. Myths were dispelled, we found common ground. Many would say, only in Canada. Yes, Canada is unique in this respect. I love the fact that me the Jewish (Israeli), is able to bridge gaps, build bridges, bring my culture/religion to those who would otherwise see me as the enemy at best, or Satan itself at worst.

I only wish, that those 7 hours in Milton, could be projected to the entire globe.  OK, I am an idealist, I know reality all too well, but for a little while, in a small town called, Milton, Ontario, that idealism did manifest itself.

Thank you Khadra, thank you all the wonderful women at the show! Let's continue to be who we are, women, ambassadors of peace.

Good night everyone!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Don't forget to say - "I love you"

I didn't know him, but those who are close to me, did. His passing was without warning, unexpected, shocking, leaving many behind with a great sense of loss, disbelief, numbness. Even though I have never met him, his sudden exit reinforced what I have been telling others for years.

We know, nothing can be taken for granted, yet we do. We like to think that those around us know how we feel about them and we think there is no need to verbalize it every day. We make plans, we look forward to getting together, we immerse ourselves in the flow of life.

I know about loss, all too well. I made a promise to myself long ago, I will not take anything for granted. I tell my mom every day, how important she is to me; how much I love and admire her; how I miss her every day. The same goes for my children. I would never miss an opportunity to tell my soul-mate, how I feel about him,  how much I appreciate his being. I tell my friends too, how blessed I am, for they are in my life.

Don't take anything for granted! Carpe diem, live your life to the fullest, pursue your dreams, make it happen! We are here on borrowed time. Don't say, "nahh I have time, I will do it later"; you really don't know if you do.

Most of all, don't be afraid to say "I love you" , every day!!

To all the readers of this post: enjoy, cherish, and embrace life!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston, April 15th 2013

Bummm, blast, smoke, screams, chaos, ambulance; the scene is all too familiar to me. I was fully expecting long bearded, religious Jews of ZAKA running to the scene , gathering body parts, and remains of what once  was a human being. Then I realized, this did not happen in Tel Aviv, or Jerusalem, or Haifa, this happened in Boston, today.

I have seen it so many times,  felt the collective grief, waited for the names to be announced in the news hoping not to hear ones I knew. I should be used to this by now, but I am not. It hurts each and every time.

The Boston Marathon, a symbol of pride, endurance and achievement, literally took a blow. Who gave them the right to kill, at whim, just to prove a point , gain publicity, or force their twisted ideas on us? We do not know who or what organization is behind this. We do know however, that "they" will not intimidate us, we will live and move forward! Life must win out!

A side note: Israel celebrates her birthday today, happy birthday!!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

A15859 - Happy Birthday Zoli bacsi (Dad) !

You arrived in a cattle wagon, branded by a number just like an animal. Each morning you were called by that number. You ceased to exist as a person, you had no name, no past, no present and no future. You didn't have to go, you could have escaped, but you had to protect the girl you loved. You couldn't, she vanished through the chimney, she was only 15.

You went on, determined that this could not be the end. You fought with everything you had, to stay alive. Went on auto-pilot, endured the beatings, hunger, typhoid. Death became a familiar guest in your quarters, you were not afraid anymore. The Americans liberated your camp, they nurtured you back to life, that was hanging by a very thin thread.

You returned, to the very land that betrayed you and willingly assisted to have you murdered, but you stayed. Should you have? In my view, no, you shouldn't and you see that now 68 years after the facts. You did build a life, had a family, blessed with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

On April 7th , 2013 you turned 86. Ironically your birthday fell on Yom Hashoa or Holocaust Remembrance Day. How symbolic it is.

A15859 has a name, Zoltan Angyal from Debrecen, Hungary; my hero, my Zoli bacsi, my Dad!

I promise you, we will never forget, and me personally never forgive!!!!

Happy Birthday!!!!!  Love you!!!!!