Sometimes I feel like I am a spider sitting in the middle of my web spun of cyber connections. I am connected, spend quite considerable time on social networks and have the urge to post at least once daily. I do not want to think of myself as a cyberspace junkie, but take my internet away and I might have withdrawal symptoms.
Connections are important, we are not meant to live in a vacuum or a deserted island. Information comes through those connections like swarming bees. Sometimes, you don't even know where to look first. You click on the "accept" button and your cyber-world has grown again. It is like the universe, infinitely expanding into the unknown. Some of us like to "collect" connections and are in a quasi competition (no one knows against whom) to acquire an incredible amount of "friends". I am pretty sure a new field of psychology/psychiatry will evolve (if haven't already) dealing and treating cyber disorders.
Coming back to "friends", I have just checked and I have over 700 in my slice of the cyber universe. It made me wonder, how many would pass the 4 AM test? Oh yes, my proverbial 4 AM test. What is the 4 AM test? It is simple; who can I call at 4 AM knowing he/she will without hesitation, come to my aid?
To tell you the truth, the numbers are not looking good, but on the bright side I do have a handful of them. So, look at your FB page or LinkedIn or any other social network site and ask, out of all those, who will pass the 4 AM test. Remember, even if only one does, you made it!
Happy connecting!
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