Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mother's Day

I am not a fan of having one dedicated day a year to celebrate something significant. I do understand however, the symbolism of those days. One very important and dear to my heart celebration is coming up this Sunday, Mothers's Day.

We all know that mothers ought to be celebrated every day 24/7. Motherhood is the toughest job a woman can hold. Motherhood is also the most selfish position one can imagine. Becoming or not becoming a mom is a woman's prerogative. Once we do decide to plunge into it, nobody can stop us (sorry guys, not even you).

Most people have a preconceived notion what a mother should be, but as in all things in life, mothers come in different shapes, sizes  and views. We are not made by one mold, we are truly unique. The rainbow of mothers stretch from the iconic selfless ones to those who had the courage and heroism to give their children a better life by giving them up. In my eyes, mothers are superheroes. Motherhood is also bringing out our deepest insecurities and fears. There is no manual on how to be a good Mom, we are all doing our best and hope at the end of the day we did manage to give something precious and long lasting to our children.

Perfection, although desirable, is non existent. It is a waste of time to chase after an ideal, manufactured out of myth, fed by our own guilt. Motherhood is not a competition, it is an opportunity  given to ourselves to create something amazing and exciting. 

To my fellow mothers, no matter what situation you are in, you are a good Mom!!!! Don't ever forget that!

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The 4 AM test

Sometimes I feel like I am a spider sitting in the middle of my web spun of cyber connections. I am connected, spend quite considerable time on social networks and have the urge to post at least once daily. I do not want to think of myself as a cyberspace junkie, but take my internet away and I might have withdrawal symptoms.

Connections are important, we are not meant to live in a vacuum or a deserted island. Information comes through those connections like swarming bees. Sometimes, you don't even know where to look first. You click on the "accept" button and your cyber-world has grown again. It is like the universe, infinitely expanding  into the unknown. Some of us like to "collect" connections and are in a quasi competition (no one knows against whom) to acquire an incredible amount of "friends".   I am pretty sure a new field of psychology/psychiatry will evolve (if haven't already) dealing and treating cyber disorders.

Coming back to "friends", I have just checked and  I have over 700 in my slice of the cyber universe. It made me wonder,  how many would pass the 4 AM test? Oh yes, my proverbial 4 AM test. What is the 4 AM test? It is simple; who can I call at 4 AM knowing he/she will without hesitation, come to my aid?

To tell you the truth, the numbers are not looking good, but on the bright side I do have a handful of them. So, look at your FB page or LinkedIn or any other social network site and ask, out of all those, who will pass the 4 AM test. Remember, even if only one does, you made it!

Happy connecting!