Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston, April 15th 2013

Bummm, blast, smoke, screams, chaos, ambulance; the scene is all too familiar to me. I was fully expecting long bearded, religious Jews of ZAKA running to the scene , gathering body parts, and remains of what once  was a human being. Then I realized, this did not happen in Tel Aviv, or Jerusalem, or Haifa, this happened in Boston, today.

I have seen it so many times,  felt the collective grief, waited for the names to be announced in the news hoping not to hear ones I knew. I should be used to this by now, but I am not. It hurts each and every time.

The Boston Marathon, a symbol of pride, endurance and achievement, literally took a blow. Who gave them the right to kill, at whim, just to prove a point , gain publicity, or force their twisted ideas on us? We do not know who or what organization is behind this. We do know however, that "they" will not intimidate us, we will live and move forward! Life must win out!

A side note: Israel celebrates her birthday today, happy birthday!!!!!

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