A little over a year ago, I started my journey in blogland. My very first post was about the dream of having a Dyson and clean everything out. A year later, I am very happy to say, I do have a Dyson; and yes it is living up to its reputation.
In less than 2 weeks, the Jewish world once again will start its cleaning frenzy. Passover is upon us yet again. The holiday is a constant reminder of our work in progress. Each year we vow, that we will get rid of the things and yes, people, that are hindering us. Each year, we evaluate what we have achieved in that department; and each year we realize the work has far been over.
Passover is a great time to ponder about freedom. The very core of this celebration is about freedom individual or otherwise. Each and every one of us defines freedom in a unique way. Freedom is precious but comes with great responsibility as well.
Moses knew this, Moses realized what a tremendous work lay ahead of him. How do you wake an entire nation up, a nation that lost its self worth, and show them the way out of slavery? What kind of person do you have to be, to dare to go ahead?
We could all be Moses, and have the capacity to deliver ourselves from bondage. What do you want to be free from? If you know the answer, the path towards freedom can be mapped out easily.
Chag Sameach!