Thursday, January 23, 2014

Who will take care of you - The Immigrant Dilemma

Congrats, you were brave enough to get up and leave. You followed your dream, or chased an ideal; nevertheless you arrived to another country. Your journey wasn't smooth, new language, new culture, new ideology, new everything; but you made it.

Through sheer determination, got into school, got employed, built a career and a family. If you were lucky, your children knew the language of your homeland, could talk to their grandparents, your parents. When you left, you did not think the day would come when you would have to make a decision.

Your are in your late forties, early fifties with elderly parents and a nagging conscience. They are there, you are here. What do you do? They didn't come when they were younger, because life was good back then. They were satisfied with the occasional visits, marveled by the consumer paradise they saw, but it was not home. No matter how many times you tried to convince them, they did not budge.

Now, you may only have a mom or a dad. He or she is alone, facing illness or declining physical and/or mental capabilities. If you are fortunate you have siblings who stayed and can take care of them. What if you are an only child?

You are in no man's land now, pulled between your past and present. You want to be a good kid, but how?

The Immigrant's Dilemma, go or let go?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sochi 2014

Olympics, the word itself creates grandeur. Once in four years the world gathers to watch the most dedicated among us to reach beyond their own limits. I wonder what the ancient Greeks thought when created the first event in 776 BC.

One thing they had in mind is to cease all hostilities while the games were on; and they did. Fast forward couple thousand years,   the ancient spirit of the games were resurrected once again. The premise was quite similar, bring mankind together in fair competition, bridge gaps, promote fairness and peace and most of all, create an environment free of politics. Noble intentions right?

Somewhere, somehow along the way, the games have lost sight of those principles. The very essence of the games was desecrated in the 1972 Munich murders, slowly but surely the Olympics were taken over as a stage for political propaganda.

As we head to Sochi, tensions are heightened. The possibility of  a large scale terrorist attack looming over the organizers. Travel advisories have been issued, the venues slowly will resemble to a top secret army complex rather than what it supposed to be; a place of joy and triumph.

If the ancient Greeks could do it, why can't we? Let's pay tribute to the ones who are daring to push the boundaries of physics, the ones who are brave enough to sacrifice so much on the altar of excellence. No one has the right to take that away from them. I want the Games back as they were supposed to be, free from ideology, politics and power struggles.

I honor you, Athletes of Winter.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Ernie & Bernie (and no they are not cartoon characters)

I am not the biggest NBA fan around, although I do love my Toronto Raptors, but there is one story from NBA Land, that captured my heart.

On TSN2 I had the pleasure to watch the wonderful documentary on Ernie Grunfeld and Bernard King. Those two are defining everything I hold sacred, true friendship. The documentary gave a very candid look into their lives from their days at the University of Tennessee through their NBA career and beyond.

What an unlikely duo, the black kid from Brooklyn (typical , stereotyped poor kid) and the Jewish immigrant from Romania who made his home in Queens. On the surface they may have been a mismatch, but at a closer look, it all makes sense.

Both kids, although from very different backgrounds, wanted to prove that they are worthy. They both wanted to be accepted in this huge social experiment called the Melting Pot. They both found their outlet in basketball. Their story could again reinforce the stereotypical  "only in America" view of success. We could focus on the glamour, fame and respect their game brought them. However, I cannot shake Bernard King's words when he said, they can retire your number, you can be indicted into the Hall of Fame, but you cannot forget the policeman hitting you with the butt of his side arm for no reason. That lives with you forever.

Ernie and Bernie have proven to us, what matters is talent and passion in whatever you do. Their friendship withstood political turmoil, religious differences, racism and any obstacle you can imagine. I want to believe that this is the norm and not the exception.

Do you have your own "Ernie" or "Bernie" ?  I do.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Under the radar genius

Yesterday we put on those good ole vinyl records. Music and words from nearly half a century ago, resurrected in the quite suburbs.

Then I heard it "You can't run away forever, but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" and stopped. The words were familiar, the sound was familiar but somehow something did not add up. I realized later that the song was known to me, but by another artist, Meatloaf.

I love Meatloaf (not just the artist but the food too), I have always found his music non-conformist. The lyrics as they unfolded, opened the door into another world. It was true poetry. Later I discovered, that behind the music and most importantly the words there was one man, and one man only ; Jim Steinman.

He is truly the under the radar genius. I am not sure how widely known that he is behind some of the forever classics of the 20th century.

How many of us know one "under the radar genius"? Those people who are not publicly known, but create immense value to all? Do you know or have  a "Jim Steinman" in your life?

Let me know if you do.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Resolutions New Year or Not

January does that to you - this is the time for resolutions and many of them. I have only one resolution for 2014 , not to have any.

I believe there is no need for such things, you have already committed yourself to a path. You only need one continuous resolution that is: be yourself!

I am determined, even more this year, to reach my goals (and I do have many) by remaining true to myself.

What is your New Year's resolution? Let me know through the year if you are close realizing them!

Have the best year ever!!!! Happy 2014!